Issue 17650

Add hosted datasets to the organization participant pages

Reporter: trobertson
Type: Feedback
Summary: Add hosted datasets to the organization participant pages
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2015-06-26 10:20:04.765
Updated: 2017-10-10 10:52:18.112
Resolved: 2017-10-10 10:52:18.092
Description: The organization participant pages currently show the endorsed publishers and datasets they publish.  It does not show a section listing datasets that they host on behalf of other institutions.

We have situations (e.g. Arcos, possibly VertNet etc) where a node creates a publisher and registers in datasets.  These datasets are sometimes in fact coming from other institutions and even countries, but do not show as any activity from that country.  We are actively trying to encourage such nodes to register the original source publisher so these data can be seen as activity coming from that country.  However, the incentive to do so is diminished, because the node does not get visible recognition for this (the datasets would no longer show on their page).

To fix this we need to make sure this page clearly show both datasets coming from organizations the node endorses (already there) AND datasets hosted by the node but which might come from publishers how could have been endorsed by anyone.

cc [~thirsch]]]>