Include hybrid, strain & cultivar names in backbone
Reporter: mdoering
Type: NewFeature
Summary: Include hybrid, strain & cultivar names in backbone
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Created: 2015-07-14 22:03:21.912
Updated: 2017-02-03 17:30:55.649
Description: Should we include hybrid names, bacterial strain and plant cultivar names in the backbone? They are both found in occurrences, even if they are pretty rare.
As a start for the new backbone I would exclude them for now and only add them when needed.]]>
Comment: [], [~rdmpage] I'd be interested to know your opinion
Created: 2015-07-14 22:04:10.234
Updated: 2015-07-14 22:04:10.234
Created: 2015-07-15 09:23:20.432
Updated: 2015-07-15 09:23:20.432
I would suggest this is not high priority on this round of work. We used to have them the backbone pre-2012 when we assembled it using occurrence names, and there are have been no user feedback commenting on this.
It's unlikely to be a small amount of work, and likely to require data model changes. I would defer that and focus on the really critical issues we have currently.
Created: 2015-07-15 10:11:24.436
Updated: 2015-07-15 10:11:38.269
Agree Tim, though coding wise this is not a big thing as CLB and the name parser handles this already.
The current nub actually does have most kind of those names (even though many of them seem to be parsed badly):
Bacterial strains are not being stored properly now, but hybrids, cultivar and virus names are.
I would suggest to just include regular latin names, virus names and hybrid names (not formulas which is the name type HYBRID and link above) as a start? A hybrid name are those using the hybrid marker before a name part, for example ??Carex ×cayouettei?? which conforms to regular binomial nomenclature. While a hybrid formular combines several names and does therefore not fit into the regular name model. For example ??Carex comosa × C. lupulina??