Issue 17738

Reference display ignores title, link, etc.

Reporter: rdmpage
Type: Bug
Summary: Reference display ignores title, link, etc.
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Created: 2015-07-31 14:28:30.338
Updated: 2015-07-31 14:28:30.338
Description: I'm trying to make sense of how to get high-quality bibliographic metadata into GBIF. For example, dataset "Official Lists and Indexes of Names in Zoology that I've been working on with [~mdoering] and Rich Pyle has references with title and authors separated, and a URL identifier (a link to the reference in BioStor). However, GBIF seems to only have extracted the citation string, e.g. gives us.

{"offset":0,"limit":20,"endOfRecords":true,"results":[{"citation":"International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Opinion 1552 Dioctophyme Collet-Meygret, 1802 (Nematoda): spelling confirmed.Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 46, 199-200 (1989)","type":"publication"}]}

If I read correctly, if title, link, etc. had been extracted then the display of this reference would have been richer:

<#list page.results as item>

${item.title!!(!} ${item.type!}<#if> link

<#if item.citation?has_content> ${item.citation!}

{code} Is the issue in the Darwin Core Archve itself? If so, I could fix that If not, what do we need to do to have references displayed with a bit more fidelity?]]>