Issue 18327

Store, index and expose full citation object

Reporter: mdoering
Type: NewFeature
Summary: Store, index and expose full citation object
Priority: Unassessed
Status: Open
Created: 2016-03-17 17:15:32.815
Updated: 2016-03-17 17:17:59.558
Description: When we index the reference extension for checklists we only really store the full citation - either as it came in via bibliographicCitation or assembled from the pieces. But we do not store the atomized reference and expose it in our API!

The citation table in checklistbank is normalised and shared across datasets. That causes problems sharing the normalization if different datasets parse a reference differently. Similar to the name string table. We might have to stop normalizing those tables]]>

Created: 2016-03-17 17:17:48.877
Updated: 2016-03-17 17:17:59.5
Looking at one can see:

Acta Bot. Yunnan., 21: 12, 1999
Source: The Plant List (with publication details)
The API call is which gives

  {"citation":"Acta Bot. Yunnan., 21: 12, 1999",
  "source":"The Plant List (with publication details)",

Expected would be sth like this:
  "citation":"Acta Bot. Yunnan., 21: 12, 1999",
  "source":"The Plant List (with publication details)",