Issue 18424

Map occurrence search results: separate record types (BoR) by color

Reporter: kbraak
Assignee: hoefft
Type: NewFeature
Summary: Map occurrence search results: separate record types (BoR) by color
Priority: Major
Resolution: Duplicate
Status: Closed
Created: 2016-04-20 16:56:00.435
Updated: 2017-10-10 15:14:55.689
Resolved: 2017-10-10 15:14:55.656
Description: Botanists would like to be able to visualise the locations of specimens against known citizen science observations's locations. Therefore, it would be nice to visualise both types of records at the same time therefore which isn't possible at least in the dataset page maps.


Comment: This looks interesting. Mind adding who to contact in case we need more specification? Thanks.
Created: 2016-04-20 17:00:52.069
Updated: 2016-04-20 17:00:52.069

Comment: [~DagEndresen] brought this specification forward. Thanks []
Created: 2016-04-20 17:07:19.967
Updated: 2016-04-20 17:07:19.967

Author: dagendresen
Comment: Visualizing different types of basisOfRecord - but also (more important) visualization for occurrences with different types of data quality validation issues have been requested from data publishers and users in Norway (botanical society for country Østfold - south of Oslo). They produce today maps based on occurrence data from GBIF (or actually Artskart) with an R script.
Created: 2016-04-20 17:16:43.506
Updated: 2016-04-20 17:16:43.506

Author: hoefft
Comment: I would consider this is a duplicate of the general: "add multiple layers on top of each other" issue
Created: 2017-10-10 15:14:55.686
Updated: 2017-10-10 15:14:55.686