Issue 18455

Optimize api for concurrent browser requests

Reporter: hoefft
Type: Improvement
Summary: Optimize api for concurrent browser requests
Priority: Minor
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2016-05-02 12:00:56.999
Updated: 2017-10-10 15:29:23.735
Resolved: 2017-10-10 15:29:23.717
Description: Browsers have a maximum of allowed calls to the same domain. for ie i believe it is around 2. for chrome 6. For the tile server we therefore have subdomains.
It would be nice to have something similar for the other api's. Showing a gallery of 100 images, for example, would benefit from not requesting 6 images at a time. The same goes for other composed views build from the client. In some cases using a proxy that aggregates is a good solution, but not always.
Posible solutions: subdomains or http2 ?