Issue 10454

Modify ws-client test assertions to use clb-test-squirrels on boma

Reporter: jcuadra
Assignee: jcuadra
Type: Improvement
Summary: Modify ws-client test assertions to use clb-test-squirrels on boma
Description: The ws-client tests use the full clb-portal db, which is changing over time. Tests should better use the static squirrels test db based on the mybatis dbunit file
Priority: Minor
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2011-11-25 10:51:37.655
Updated: 2013-12-09 14:01:17.354
Resolved: 2011-12-20 09:35:03.694

Comment: ws-client projects are using their own dataset file to put the DB in a known state before each test.
Created: 2011-12-20 09:35:03.776
Updated: 2011-12-20 09:35:03.776