Issue 11452

registry-sync: resurrect datasets that reappear

Reporter: kbraak
Assignee: fmendez
Type: Bug
Summary: registry-sync: resurrect datasets that reappear
Priority: Major
Resolution: WontFix
Status: Closed
Created: 2012-06-20 17:17:50.339
Updated: 2013-12-16 17:51:02.306
Resolved: 2012-07-03 15:16:47.625
Description: Please note, this issue may be pending some further discussion.

If a dataset reappears at an endpoint after having disappeared (and was thus flagged as deleted in the Registry), it should be resurrected in the Registry.

If it appears again where it was before, we can with high likelyhood assume that it was an accident, so we want it back in. We can then restore the citation trail, logs, etc.

Of course we could say NO to resurrecting datasets, and be more strict with providers saying basically that if you remove your dataset from your endpoint, you will lose all your citation trail, logs, etc. ]]>

Comment: Dataset can not be resurrected once they were reported deleted by the endepoint, in specific cases we can use the admin_override flag to avoid deletions on specific datasets
Created: 2012-07-03 15:16:47.649
Updated: 2012-07-03 15:16:47.649

Created: 2012-09-13 16:51:12.647
Updated: 2012-09-13 16:51:12.647
After discussion today:
- will be strict and (logically) delete datasets that are no longer served at endpoint, unless notified in advance (then: set admin_override preemptively)
- will need to communicate this clearly, as it is a 180° turn from our previous communications ("datasets, except for DwC-A, are never automatically deleted, only manually on request or after confirmation")