Issue 10907

RegistryJacksonJsonProvider and the default JacksonJsonProvider can't be used at the same time in the registry client

Reporter: jcuadra
Type: Bug
Summary: RegistryJacksonJsonProvider and the default JacksonJsonProvider can't be used at the same time in the registry client
Priority: Major
Resolution: Invalid
Status: Closed
Created: 2012-02-22 11:02:05.772
Updated: 2013-12-16 17:50:36.546
Resolved: 2012-02-22 11:49:31.662
Description: the RegistryJacksonJsonProvider and default JacksonJsonProvider somewhat conflict with each other on the registry client. This makes the PolymorphicSerializable unusable for serializing temporal coverages.


renders badly the date

"temporalCoverages": [
"@type": "range",
"start": 442537200000,
"end": 557359200000

This needs to be revisited for sure!]]>