Issue 10191

Create the model objects from the API (excluding extended metadata)

Reporter: trobertson
Assignee: trobertson
Type: Task
Summary: Create the model objects from the API (excluding extended metadata)
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2011-11-11 15:15:08.874
Updated: 2013-12-16 17:50:33.176
Resolved: 2011-11-14 16:52:08.181
TimeEstimate: 0
TimeSpent: 57600
Description: Using the guidelines in the RegistryAPI document, create the model objects for the resources.  The extended metadata properties will be added to Dataset in a separate task, as it is a significant amount of work.

- These will be mutable object
- Objects will include builders
- Basic tests will be created for the builders, but not exhaustively anal ones


Comment: Ready for a review
Created: 2011-11-14 16:52:08.219
Updated: 2011-11-14 16:52:08.219