Issue 12206

Dataset citation needs to include a "pub date" (or just pub year) if available

Reporter: jcuadra
Type: Task
Summary: Dataset citation needs to include a "pub date" (or just pub year) if available
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2012-11-02 15:27:38.377
Updated: 2013-12-16 17:50:29.73
Resolved: 2013-12-11 15:03:37.263
Description: A dataset citation needs to include a pub-date (or pub-year). First attempt was to include the dataset's creation date (which is when the dataset was created on the Registry DB), which might not be the best idea after all. Can lead to lots of confusion on the publisher's side. As citations can be a sensitive issue for publisher, we need to discuss what is needed here.

The format hopefully will be:
 (pub year). , , last updated on .

Finnish Museum of Natural History (2012). Botanic Garden of the Finnish Museum of Natural History,, last updated on 2012-09-21.

Options for pub-date, that come to my mind are:
1) showing last-indexed date
2) show the proper pub-date that comes from the EML (in the case of dwarchives), but this info is not available on DiGIR/TAPIR/BioCASe resources, I think.
3) others...=?

Adding description from a merged issue (REG-344)

A dataset citation should include a "published year". The majority of our datasets do not have their "pubDate" attr (Dataset API object) populated. Besides this attribute, we have available the date on which the Dataset was registered into the GBIF Registry, but this is not a good published date and might cause trouble with publishers. Another proposal was to include the "last indexed date" here. But still needs discussion.

Comment: I think we should try to use the pubDate from EML if its available or otherwise use our harvesting/download timestamp for the dataset. If its never been harvested or external we should just not use any date.
Created: 2012-11-02 15:37:34.415
Updated: 2012-11-02 15:37:34.415

Created: 2012-11-06 16:09:45.987
Updated: 2012-11-06 16:09:45.987
adding a comment from a merged issue:
Markus Döring added a comment - 06/Nov/12 11:17
I would use the supplied eml pubDate if available or otherwise fallback to our last harvested/download date. We should make sure to not update that date if the sources have not been modified since, e.g. if a conditional http dwca download results in unchanged. For digir style query services its hard to tell I guess, but maybe we can even detect if no record has changed at all during indexing?

Created: 2013-12-11 15:00:57.816
Updated: 2013-12-11 15:02:37.048
From what I can see, if the EML pubDate doesn't exist the default citation's last updated date will just remain empty.

Evidence, see portal's common.ftl:


Default citation

${prefix!}<#if publisher??>${publisher.title}: ${dataset.title}<#if dataset.pubDate?has_content>, ${dataset.pubDate?date?iso_utc}.
Accessed via ${currentUrl} on ${.now?date?iso_utc}


Comment: Closing issue, assuming the way that we construct our default dataset citation in the portal is correct now.
Created: 2013-12-11 15:03:37.293
Updated: 2013-12-11 15:03:37.293