Issue 10917

Populate dataset type in registry db (once field has been updated)

Reporter: kbraak
Type: Improvement
Summary: Populate dataset type in registry db (once field has been updated)
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2012-03-02 10:33:45.422
Updated: 2013-12-16 17:50:40.401
Resolved: 2012-05-29 15:22:18.069
Description: Based on the services, the type should be updated.

There is currently a method in DatasetFactory called getDatasetType() that returns the dataset type. We need an sql script to do the same and write the information into the table. After, we could get rid of the determination in the DatasetFactory just converting from type id to type ENUM. ]]>

Created: 2012-03-08 16:59:48.32
Updated: 2012-03-08 16:59:48.32
Tim has populated the dataset type (category) in the registry staging db.

This commit shows the changes made:

Still needed, is populating the subtype (subcategory) for checklists. A special script will be created for this also.  

Comment: Assuming it is populated in the db now, I have modified the registry-service dataset factory to convert category and subcategory into DatasetType and DatasetSubtype.
Created: 2012-03-08 18:16:41.56
Updated: 2012-03-08 18:16:41.56

Comment: Needed, is the script to populate the dataset subtype in the registry. The subtype should follow our vocabulary, and insert the correct persistence codes as per:
Created: 2012-05-29 14:38:42.376
Updated: 2012-05-29 14:38:42.376

Comment: For checklist datasets this needs to be done manually via the admin console at some point. For now it won't hurt to have the subtype=null for checklists
Created: 2012-05-29 14:54:04.921
Updated: 2012-05-29 14:54:04.921

Comment: I will close this issue then. I will follow up on the admin console work, to ensure the subtype can be edited in this way. 
Created: 2012-05-29 15:22:18.095
Updated: 2012-05-29 15:22:18.095