DM-109: Taxonomy in Flux Checklist
DM-91: Paleobiology Database (ECAT Development Publisher migration)
DM-93: World Wildlife Fund Species Directory (ECAT Development Publisher migration)
DM-94: Zoological names (...) (ECAT Development Publisher migration)
PF-1030: Addresses: should line breaks be shown here, as in the Country>Participant page?
PF-1317: hfhrgy 548291
PF-1326: biology of chrysolina coerulans
PF-1358: registry console uses wrong link for dataset endpoints
PF-1383: working with one dataset; playing with the time-line bar
PF-1452: Plutonaster off Agulhas Back South Africa
PF-1475: Ptisàna pellucida
PF-1480: Failed applying filter in occurrence search
PF-1486: Lathrobium punctulatum LeConte 1863 not Mannerheim
PF-1511: link not working
PF-1533: Canis Lupus
PF-1575: Xylota crispichaeta He & Chu, 1992
PF-1590: link is not valid
PF-1594: Tools to download occurrence data in batch
PF-1615: asd
PF-1625: mergim
PF-1807: enantia chlorantha
PF-1820: ö,
PF-1823: ascetta
PF-1849: Aphaulimia
PF-1855: Type; Rapport d'exception
PF-1991: Names of the Phyla
PF-2034: passiflora
PF-2039: Can't download records
PF-2044: Especies ocurrences
PF-2045: Fauna
PF-2046: Fauna
PF-2047: Fauna
PF-2061: Sarcoptiformes, Rosensteiniidae, Nycteriglyphus stammeri
PF-2071: page just says 'OOPS'
PF-2109: I really want to use morphometric and meristic data of Cynoglossus trulla by Cantor, 1849
PF-2110: It is a dumb thing to ask for rfish description from your site because of too many processes to work on
PF-2150: pereskia acardia
PF-2151: pereskia genero
PF-2152: planta2
PF-2153: planta3
PF-2154: opuntia
PF-2155: opuntia
PF-2156: opuntia
PF-2157: opuntia
PF-2165: planta2
PF-2166: pereskia pereskia
PF-2167: planta4
PF-2181: fragments Entomologiques
PF-2247: BID small grants guidlelines - 'error 404 not found'
PF-2256: Country coordinate mismatch not true
PF-2261: Lindsaea stricta
PF-2372: Show image of drillia echinata
PF-2419: pan
PF-2452: Ceohalotrichum
PF-2471: Rosmarinus offiznalis
PF-2493: Can not register
PF-2497: page
PF-2520: genero ursus
PF-2609: Phenoplogy of nectariferous plant in Mexico
PF-2731: no link
PF-2736: Penicillium
PF-2812: Icterus wagleri
PF-2849: Needs more information
PF-594: Create occurrence search home
PF-662: Implement GBIF Home
POR-1438: where are the links?
POR-1706: Broken link on the document maps
POR-2836: Carlia bicarinata
POR-348: Improve Solr import handler performance
POR-778: Add paging support to registry-persistence-service