ToDo issues
ALA-10: Names Generator
ALA-11: ala-portal/ala-names-generator - svn version 4272 - svnignore "target"
ALA-13: ala-portal/sds-webapp - svn version 3921 - svnignore "target"
ALA-14: ala-portal/sensitive-species - svn version 4247 - svnignore "target"
ALA-18: ala-bie / ala-download / svn version 4353 / grails does not run
ALA-21: ala-bie/ala-cas-client - svn version 4334 - svnignore "target"
ALA-23: ala-bie/ala-emmet - svn version 3950 - svnignore "target"
ALA-25: ala-bie/ala-logger - svn version 4344 - svnignore "target"
ALA-26: ala-bie/ala-header-and-tails - svn version 4339 - svnignore "target"
ALA-28: ala-bie/bie-sitemaps - svn version 3395 - svnignore "target"
ALA-30: internationalization problems
ALA-32: default: stdin: is not a tty
ALA-33: Ansible task failed at: ASK: [solr | set permissions for biocache-load
ALA-34: Ansible: Copy proxy config to sties-available failed.
ALA-35: Failed to create temporary content files: timed out
ALA-36: Zooming bar on the map of institution location doesn't show properly
ALA-37: Institution coordinates should be added by clicking on the map
ALA-38: visual hint of the current page
ALA-6: ala-portal/ala-names-generator - Could not resolve dependencies for project
COL-10: Aprostocetus flavus
COL-11: not existing parent name usage ids in the latest dwca
COL-1: M spilonotus
COL-12: Autonym confusion
COL-13: Errors in taxon authorship for 1,798 beetle names
COL-2: Tubifex hamatus Moore, 1905 exists twice
COL-3: Rotifers GSD metadata has bad html
COL-4: Fontinalis antipyretica exists 4 times
COL-5: occurrence dataset inventory wrongly uses nubKey parameter instead of taxonKey
COL-8: CoL GSD metadata has wrong pubDate
DIR-12: Duplicated email allowed but can't login
DIR-14: Support properties expansion in the API
DIR-17: Intermittent problems deleting locked files
DIR-3: trim queries to include only used informations
DIR-6: Which information is actually useful and should be shown in overviews
GBIF-100: Regain the relevant functionality of the 'Online Resource Centre' in the old portal
GBIF-101: Regaining the events advanced search functionality from the old portal
GBIF-10: Data repository pilot implementations
GBIF-104: Nature Journal interface
GBIF-106: Implement the "GIASIP index / registry" to support the GIASIP Gateway
GBIF-107: Strategy for planning BIFs and assessing progress in developing a national BIF
GBIF-108: Trial of self-assessment and reporting of progress in implementing a BIF
GBIF-109: EMODnet
GBIF-111: EU BON WP2 on data integration and interoperability
GBIF-11: Options for managing redundant storage between data repositories
GBIF-112: Nature Publishing Group Scientific Data Journal
GBIF-114: Create regional pages
GBIF-116: Capacity Enhancement Strategy Development Plan
GBIF-121: Management of GBIF vocabularies
GBIF-12: Established network of GBIF-compliant data repositories
GBIF-127: Implementing a national reporting service
GBIF-129: Clean up HDFS
GBIF-131: Improve how we manage sets of Term for tables and downloads
GBIF-132: How should we handle 'deprecated' terms in dwc-api project
GBIF-133: In "search occurrences" hovering the cursor in empty space of area between "[View results as map]" and "Configure" triggers map view
GBIF-14: GBIF-compliance of software: evaluation criteria
GBIF-15: Tools support data citation needs of publishers and data users
GBIF-16: Expanded reporting on data access and on research use
GBIF-17: Process for operating fitness-for-use working groups established
GBIF-18: First fitness-for-use working groups established
GBIF-21: Fitness-for-use WG reports and recommendations
GBIF-24: Essential documents and information resources available
GBIF-25: BIF content mobilization: process for opportunity evaluation and strategy planning
GBIF-26: Improved collaboration with organizational participants
GBIF-27: Global Biodiversity Informatics Conference
GBIF-28: Recommendations on a model for supplementary funds
GBIF-30: Data records collected with consistent sampling methodologies can be identified
GBIF-31: Data records collected with consistent sampling methodologies can be discovered and downloaded
GBIF-35: Production of priority document #1
GBIF-7: Portal reports on data quality and fitness-for-use for each dataset
GBIF-74: Organization of GB21 (Services)
GBIF-75: Organization of the mid-terms and other committee meetings (Services)
GBIF-76: Production of yearly reports: Annual report, financial report and science review (Services)
GBIF-77: Organization of regional Nodes meetings (Services)
GBIF-79: Coordination of the regional reporting (Services)
GBIF-80: Update of the Welcome Box (Services)
GBIF-81: NPT project (WP 2013)
GBIF-8: Portal reports on data quality and fitness-for-use for each species
GBIF-82: Open mentoring and SEP projects (WP 2013)
GBIF-83: Refining the 2013 website (WP 2013)
GBIF-84: Providing a collaboration platform for Nodes (WP 2013)
GBIF-85: GB20 follow-up (WP 2013)
GBIF-86: SEP2D (External)
GBIF-87: EC proposal for data mobilization in ACP countries (External)
GBIF-88: Accommodating new data types – roadmap for genomic and ecological data (WP 2013)
GBIF-89: Analysis of data gaps via a reporting service (WP 2013)
ITSUPPORT-1: Make the IT Support issues private
ITSUPPORT-2: Metrics to be generated for 2015 annual report
ITSUPPORT-3: Open meeting room info