Duplicate issues
- DM-131: Contact Smithonian Index Nominum Genericorum to publish checklist
- DM-154: Get new Fauna Europaea version
- DM-209: Update GBIF registration in https://www.biodiversitycatalogue.org/
- DM-238: Oxyporus occipitalis results
- DM-51: Duplicate dataset for FlorKart (IDs 1098 and 14519)
- HIT-51: Harvesting returns a "Too many open files" error
- INF-127: DataCite metadata for GBIF has typo
- NPTS-8: The ability for customizing and branding of the NPT Startup
- PF-102: Dataset search for "Lepidoptera" has 54 hits. Pagi...
- PF-103: Attempted download caused an unspecified error. (d...
- PF-1034: In main menu the News hover is too wide
- PF-1046: Problem with Classification browser
- PF-105: I subset records to a geographic region with the b...
- PF-1063: "Show all" in the contacts section does not exactly do what it says
- PF-1065: Main menu: white area in "News" hanging over on the right
- PF-1093: Participant information for TW
- PF-1104: GBITS NEWSLETTER subscription text falls out of box
- PF-1109: empty contacts shown
- PF-1118: Participants list: use participant instead of node name also for Other Associate Participants
- PF-1147: Species page, bibliography: duplication of entries
- PF-1153: Search for species from front page is misleading
- PF-118: No type info or searching, nor multimedia info or searching
- PF-1182: searching by country name
- PF-1194: Addition to publisher page: installation link
- PF-1230: How do I download usage statistics?
- PF-1231: Centre the background map according to the location of IP
- PF-1246: Result of search occurrences is cut.
- PF-1250: Mapping of filtered results
- PF-1252: New method to list species per given area
- PF-1255: Broken links
- PF-1256: Smaller photos at top of species pages sometimes appear with strange colouring - negative?
- PF-1264: Google Earth point?
- PF-1270: Plans for searching/displaying STATEPROVINCE?
- PF-1277: Occurrence file headings inadequate
- PF-1278: Occurrence search result: display on map
- PF-1286: Search Occurrences issues
- PF-1288: Occurrence search for scientific name throws error for "Artemisia"
- PF-1298: How to view filtered results on a map
- PF-1307: Visualize points on a map?
- PF-1335: Data publisher would like to download all the access events to their datasets
- PF-1354: not filtering correctly regarding georeference issues
- PF-1361: Map result of query
- PF-1365: Checklist generation for countries
- PF-1385: wrong georreference statistics?
- PF-1421: Not able to access download of occurrence records for Oncorhynchus mykiss
- PF-142: When doing a species search, only the first page o...
- PF-1428: Usage data?
- PF-1429: Usage data?
- PF-1437: Smiley taxon?
- PF-1442: Full screen function does not work
- PF-1445: Summary statistics for reporting purposes
- PF-1448: Filter by observation
- PF-1451: How does one map records from a filtered search?
- PF-1455: how to add filters to map distributions in new portal
- PF-1462: Enhancement request: add information about colections not yet digitized
- PF-1463: Enhancement request: alerts for Node Managers when new resources are published about their countries
- PF-1467: Error when filtering by taxon Magnoliophyta
- PF-1470: Strange repeated text in the footer section
- PF-1474: For resources, the publisher field states "All Day"
- PF-1477: Error in occurrence search
- PF-1481: API documentation
- PF-1484: Images
- PF-1489: Mapping species occurrences
- PF-1496: How to view filtered data?
- PF-152: I tried to download the data for Chenopodium vulva...
- PF-153: Yes, that is exactly my question. Why are you not...
- PF-155: download is fast and easy
- PF-1570: Statistics on data usage
- PF-1592: Complex queries give Oops - Page timeout too short
- PF-1600: Data now being supplied as unreadable gobbledegook instead of a Google earth .kml file
- PF-1614: New GBIF portal
- PF-1634: No occurrence count on checklists
- PF-1636: Excell sheet
- PF-166: I was attempting to download a data set of mollusk...
- PF-1689: There is no way to search occurrences by a publisher
- PF-1693: Charts for Geographic precision missing "georeferenced" category on "data about" analytics
- PF-1722: Please include on country page: Origin of occurrence records
- PF-1745: UAT: MyBatis errors showing in logs
- PF-1758: Inconsistent country page occurrence counts
- PF-1760: Country page for JP has wrong count for Data from Japan (5M should be 3.7M)
- PF-1764: Non interpreted HTML code in the event pages
- PF-1777: filtering error
- PF-1786: How to view taxon occurrences on a map?
- PF-179: 'A GBIF A GBIF' still repeating in descriptors of ...
- PF-1795: interface does not support date ranges in ISO_8601
- PF-1803: Unable to search for source taxonID
- PF-1805: Document constraints for ?limit on all API calls
- PF-1806: species file blocked
- PF-1808: Should be easier to search for occurences of species
- PF-181: Regarding future plans for alphabetized list - I a...
- PF-1814: Pudu Specimen loan
- PF-1825: HoD and Node manager not showing on summary page of country pages
- PF-1829: What is going on here?
- PF-1830: Associated multimedia links not working
- PF-1840: eventdate range interpretation
- PF-1889: Occ Search modified before is actually before or equals
- PF-1907: No information on species
- PF-1922: bad URL returns an exception
- PF-1923: Publisher search too strict. Cannot find iNaturalist
- PF-1939: deleted installations are not marked as such in the portal
- PF-1942: http://ghabif.org/ is no longer available
- PF-1961: Difficult to use
- PF-1964: The search engine cannot find resources when using partial workds (including non plurals)
- PF-1983: Specis list download family names & properties as native range
- PF-1984: Publisher search is too strict
- PF-1986: Request for list of newest resources
- PF-1992: NHM London looking for means of compiling dataset activity for regular reporting
- PF-2023: http://www.gbif.org/species/2673359 according to CoL error in matching
- PF-2026: Allow to search species based on their presence in a country
- PF-2031: No CSV format documentation
- PF-2084: Please provide a print friendly view of each page of your website
- PF-2101: Better error message for searches with illegall high offsets
- PF-2133: Dataset search not finding dataset by title
- PF-2143: Bad iNat Alternative identifier
- PF-2207: Mistake in Albizia assignation
- PF-2213: Strange paging behaviour on dataset search result
- PF-2221: Another mis-ID'd Irish dataset?
- PF-2222: Update download format FAQ
- PF-2244: Allow vernacular name search only
- PF-2251: "Country coordinate mismatch" not true
- PF-2254: Country coordinate mismatch not true
- PF-2255: Country coordinate mismatch not true
- PF-2257: Country coordinate mismatch not true
- PF-2258: Country coordinate mismatch not true
- PF-2259: Country coordinate mismatch not true
- PF-2278: Cannot see when dataset was last indexed
- PF-2281: Misleading display of occurrence polygon as a single point
- PF-2301: UUID searches for datasets don't treat the UUID as one word
- PF-2302: dataset UUID not unique
- PF-232: Update terminology on species search page
- PF-2324: Download rate-limiting isn't notified to the user
- PF-2365: Occurrences from 8 datasets at the Freshwater Biodiversity IPT are not harvested
- PF-2367: Add a filter for measurementsOrFacts
- PF-2373: Issues filter not doing what makes most sense
- PF-2380: probably wrong species
- PF-2381: probably wrong species
- PF-2382: probably wrong species
- PF-2434: Show accepted name for synonyms in occurrence pages
- PF-2442: Show number of published datasets for a publisher
- PF-2503: Allow filtering occurrence issues by severity of issue
- PF-2559: no download seems possible
- PF-2567: Arenaria (genus) Caryophyllaceae
- PF-2587: Insecta Map for Brazil
- PF-2605: French version of this page required
- PF-2616: incorrect classification
- PF-2643: view result as map
- PF-2645: Field descriptors
- PF-2664: When clicking in the "more" button for the publishers endorsed by the NSG, you get an error page
- PF-2666: incorrect classification
- PF-2679: wrong taxonomy
- PF-2707: Personidae sea snail listed under insect
- PF-2753: Lota lota is not a snail is it?
- PF-2762: Phakospora pachyrhizi no data for this species or genus
- PF-2767: link not working
- PF-2775: no classifications listed for Oreodaphne diospyrifolia
- PF-2777: Cokeromyces lacks map data
- PF-2778: Coccidioides lacks map data
- PF-2779: Uncinocarpus lacks map data
- PF-2787: Busseëlla marantaceae lacks all classification data
- PF-2802: Family Vorticellidae lacks map data from genus Vorticella
- PF-2846: Please include an option to display only the natural endemic indigenous native natural range of a clade (hence, not the introduced, naturalized, invasive, or cultivated ranges)
- PF-2860: PANGAEA not longer being indexed?
- PF-305: Occurrence search: scientific name autocomplete overrides search for genus, order, family, etc
- PF-31: Refreshing the "Download has started" page starts another download
- PF-356: Change metadata in image slideshow
- PF-36: On country page add "in viewable area" link for maps
- PF-38: On the page with: Download Started Your downlo...
- PF-41: Dont show image records when the image is not acce...
- PF-420: Autosuggest is ugly for Sci Name filter in occurrence search
- PF-431: Show parent dataset for constituents
- PF-44: When returning to login, username is not remembere...
- PF-445: Add user feedback feature
- PF-446: Style user account page and add tabs
- PF-458: Produce regional species checklist from polygon searches
- PF-46: Dunno. Was testing as follows: - Filter by specie...
- PF-488: Expose technical installations on the Portal somewhere
- PF-539: Show vernacular name (for current locale) in species search result (where applicable)
- PF-570: How to show large image descriptions
- PF-580: Interpret species distribution range areas
- PF-582: Custom Tag Library for rendering links inside free text. (Setup a general gbif.tld for others to include any other tag needed)
- PF-624: Add dataset counts to organization pages
- PF-632: Show related content on Node page
- PF-635: Integrate occurrence download page into single search page
- PF-651: Recommend that we enhance the visibility and scope of citation and attribution at the checklist record level
- PF-699: Node page needs a see all organizations page
- PF-71: on the test page http://uat.gbif.org/species/24320...
- PF-775: As a researcher, I want to search for data on a provice within a country, so that I can easily summarise the documented biodiversity of that area
- PF-782: As a field researcher, I want to download a checklist for the area I am visiting, so that I can use the list offline
- PF-783: As a new data publisher, I want easy overview of the GBIF participant nodes, so that I can chose who should endorse my institution.
- PF-784: As a Node communication officer, I want to download graphical summaries showing how much our Node's contributed data are used, so that I can convince potential new data publishers to participate
- PF-787: As a user, I want to rather exclude than include certain values when composing a search, so that I can define my search much more quickly
- PF-79: I have noticed on several of the current country p...
- PF-796: As a Node Manager, I want to download numerical summaries showing how much our Node's contributed data are used, so that I can demonstrate the benefit of our Node to our funding agency
- PF-820: Taxa Browser - Load new content (next page on tree) dynamically when scrolling on JQuery
- PF-841: Footer is unfinished. Links should be finalized w...
- PF-86: at the end of lines, words are cutted just in the ...
- PF-869: Hide view occurrences buttons when # of occurrences is 0
- PF-91: The classification browser does not load more taxa...
- PF-921: getting Oops
- PF-941: In ie9, the feedback window does not show buttons unless you hover the mouse pointer over them
- PF-947: Organization page: add a section for "hosted datasets"
- PF-98: 1. For a non-country participant, the subtitle cur...
- PF-997: Classification section seems to be broken
- POR-1026: Lat/Lng parsing should understand commas
- POR-1033: Interpreted value of basis of record should be a string from an enum, not int
- POR-1044: Occurrences have null dataset key in HBase
- POR-1082: Get existing rawxml-occurrence-store project working against new HBase installation
- POR-1184: Improve HBaseLockingKeyServiceTest to cover failure scenarios
- POR-1217: Fix occurrence-process workflow's population of the occurrence_lookup table
- POR-1225: Remove FieldName and FieldType classes from public API
- POR-1236: Refactor occurrence interpretation to produce enums instead of ints
- POR-1273: Create a new DwC-A Validator
- POR-1311: Create dwca validator service
- POR-1314: Create new EML extractor/updater service
- POR-1320: Create an crawler-coordinator-ws (and corresponding client) project and move all methods related to the crawler from the metrics-ws into this new WS project.
- POR-1351: Add http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/ as a supported namespace for TAPIR
- POR-1386: Support for jsonp in API responses
- POR-1394: Unforeseen error
- POR-1397: Download functionality for usage statistics
- POR-1421: Filter for continent
- POR-1423: Add last indexed date to dataset page
- POR-1430: Filter data with maps
- POR-1441: Who is publishing?
- POR-1444: Add occ metrics tab for species pages
- POR-1456: Should include finer categorisation of species
- POR-1462: Ensure browser compatability of entire site
- POR-1468: homepage featured use has partly hidden title
- POR-1476: improve occurrence searches using negative filter conditions
- POR-1495: Images are hotlinking to external sites.
- POR-1497: no species search results for NCBI classification links
- POR-1503: Enable exclusion filters It would be useful hav...
- POR-1511: Any link in dynamic test should be a proper html link (clickable)
- POR-1516: Show additional content on Network page
- POR-1539: On Dataset detail, add metrics: # species, date range, countries of origin
- POR-1548: ‘Summary’ section (tab) For future iterations. We...
- POR-1552: Add map of publisher location to participation page
- POR-157: Add drupal getBySession method to UserService
- POR-1584: Regional node contact lists: decide where to display, implement
- POR-1607: Country pages: reintegrate section for "International networks"
- POR-1608: Country pages: reintegrate section for "Data hosting services"
- POR-1609: Country pages: reintegrate section for "Metadata catalogues"
- POR-1633: rename occurrence/counts/datasets?nubKey parameter to taxonKey
- POR-1646: List endemic species for countries
- POR-1649: Allow adding a dataset filter by entering its UUID
- POR-1653: Site deploy to github pages with new maven plugin
- POR-1676: Add images to Occurrence
- POR-1698: Interpret waterBody and stateProvince
- POR-1702: Build a "reinterpret everything from dataset X" service/cli command
- POR-1709: Expose all "uncrawlable" data through new api classes
- POR-1727: Maps: include clear link to the disclaimer page and indicate who provides the maplayer
- POR-1761: Show issue metrics on dataset stats page
- POR-1762: Group available occurrence filters
- POR-1811: regional view of participants (restore old portal functionality)
- POR-1812: regional activities overview (restore old portal functionality)
- POR-1869: Opt-out for occurrence download notification
- POR-1917: Add niche modeling feature
- POR-1964: Show type status in occurrence search as default under basis of record
- POR-1997: Add multimedia metrics to dataset page
- POR-2038: Published datasets listing has html markup problems
- POR-2045: Incorrect Recorded Date showing in portal
- POR-2052: verbatim occurrence page shows multimedia json map
- POR-2111: Can't add filters on Android pad
- POR-2122: Show if identified name is a synonym in nub
- POR-2148: Show alert on dataset page whenever indexing is off
- POR-2155: Add regional reports
- POR-2248: Use full page width for key infos
- POR-2255: Add media section to species pages
- POR-2268: Dynamic generation of analytics visualisations
- POR-2304: Species page for family Poaceae is broken
- POR-2310: Reindex checklists without verbatim data
- POR-2329: crawl_attempt machine tag appears to be getting duplicated during crawling
- POR-2331: Create species name URLs
- POR-2378: Add node logos to new country pages
- POR-2393: The link to the species page for Pinus strobus L. does not work
- POR-241: Species list download
- POR-2416: Search for specific day: Collection date is YYYY-MM
- POR-242: Add checklist download to occurrence search
- POR-243: Amanita muscaria exists twice in backbone
- POR-2457: Write BackboneChangedMessage Listener
- POR-2496: Class cast error while building clb solr index
- POR-2516: [2] URL redirection of old style orc links
- POR-2532: correct name is Aiphanes horrida (Jacq.) Burret
- POR-2538: Add UN Regions taxonomy to GBIF.org
- POR-2544: Populate DOI for DiGIR metadata sync
- POR-255: name_usage/<id>/descendants does not work on Plantae
- POR-2599: New DwC-A validator user interface
- POR-2642: Create an interface showing state of the infrastructure for the public
- POR-2693: Decide what to do if dataset-level license contradicts record-level license
- POR-2724: species match TooComplexToDeterminizeException
- POR-2749: DataCite metadata creator populated wrong when minting Dataset DOIs
- POR-2757: New csv download dialog styling is clipped
- POR-2813: Rate limiting not handled by the portal-web
- POR-2838: UAT: mark clearly as a test site on all relevant pages
- POR-2864: Skip absence-data on indexing
- POR-2879: Dataset page stat overview does not count all kingdom 'unknown' records
- POR-2963: 'Oops' message returned when you click on 'more' from publisher list
- POR-2999: Provide the "data repatriation" facet in the country pages
- POR-3010: Searches across 180° longitude fail
- POR-3014: Integrate or link out to Phylogenies in the Open Tree of Life
- POR-3015: Create glossary of (search) terms
- POR-3016: Adjust newsletter subscribe link to enable GA goal tracking
- POR-3017: Display grid-based data as grid not point
- POR-303: Discover and flag potential zoological synonyms in nub
- POR-3044: Add help text to basisOfRecord filter
- POR-3048: dataset search by country not working
- POR-3083: Map occurrence search results: separate record types (BoR) by color
- POR-3110: WKT (Polygon) not projected on occurrence detail page map
- POR-3117: Download list of locations (square plots) based on species combinations
- POR-3120: Provide publishers with list of papers citing data from their datasets
- POR-3131: Field name 'occurrenceDetails' coming back as 'http://unknown.org/occurrenceDetails'
- POR-3168: Backbone Plantae kingdom has species & genera as synonyms
- POR-3176: Add facets to the organization API
- POR-328: Populate occurrence metrics table
- POR-399: Tidy up CLB dependencies
- POR-457: Create README file for checklistbank-api
- POR-555: Bug in portal 2 registry process: agent.category not populated for installations of type IPT
- POR-677: Dataset update should auto delete old services/endpoints no longer associated to dataset
- POR-710: Dataset class needs to know about statistics
- POR-731: abstract/description missing from Project class and GBIF EML profile
- POR-755: Add a way to get all datasets behind a technical installation
- POR-779: Put the registry-ws-client into the IPT project
- POR-804: Add java docs to Citation model
- POR-808: Taxonomic browser in details page for occurrence Dataset lacks source
- POR-819: registry-persistence-service: delete unused column service.uuid
- POR-830: Dataset needs to expose the ISO country code(s) represented by its GeospatialCoverages
- POR-860: Add fields for dataset type and subtype to registry db
- POR-861: Add the "published year" field on the dataset citation
- POR-864: Add recordsDeclared property to Dataset
- POR-889: Enable all required facets for dataset search
- POR-893: Add continent to solr index & facets
- POR-905: Create README file for registry-persistence-service
- POR-928: Consider rewriting minimum legacy webservices needed for IPT interaction
- POR-960: Add checklistKey filter to Occurrence download
- POR-961: Support PNG density map as output format in occ downloads
- POR-978: Reconsider practice to create multiple occurrence records for multiple identifications
- POR-981: Populate full Occurrence object with interpreted values
- POR-983: Add geological terms to Occurrence class